Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractInterpreter

Uses of AbstractInterpreter in joperties

Methods in joperties with parameters of type AbstractInterpreter
<T> T
Joperties.getJoperty(java.lang.String key, AbstractInterpreter<T> interpreter)
          This method interprets the value of the provided key as an object of the class provided.
<T> void
Joperties.setJoperty(java.lang.String key, T value, AbstractInterpreter<T> interpreter)
          This method sets the provided object as the value of the provided key.

Uses of AbstractInterpreter in joperties.exceptions

Fields in joperties.exceptions declared as AbstractInterpreter
private  AbstractInterpreter<?> InterpretationException.interpreter
          This is the interpreter that failed.
private  AbstractInterpreter<?> EncodingException.interpreter
          This is the interpreter that failed.

Methods in joperties.exceptions that return AbstractInterpreter
 AbstractInterpreter<?> InterpretationException.getInterpreter()
          This method returns the interpreter that failed.
 AbstractInterpreter<?> EncodingException.getInterpreter()
          This method returns the interpreter that failed.

Constructors in joperties.exceptions with parameters of type AbstractInterpreter
EncodingException(AbstractInterpreter<?> interpreter, java.lang.Object obj)
          Constructs the exception.
InterpretationException(AbstractInterpreter<?> interpreter, java.lang.String string)
          Constructs the exception.

Uses of AbstractInterpreter in joperties.interpreters

Subclasses of AbstractInterpreter in joperties.interpreters
 class CollectionInterpreter<T>
          This is a Collection Interpreter which is a special kind of interpreter since it is generic.

Fields in joperties.interpreters with type parameters of type AbstractInterpreter
private static java.util.Map<java.lang.Class<?>,AbstractInterpreter<?>> Interpreters.interpreters
          The map which holds the interpreters based on the class they interpret.

Methods in joperties.interpreters that return AbstractInterpreter
<T> AbstractInterpreter<T>
Interpreters.getInterpreter(java.lang.Class<T> classToInterpret)
          This method will return a registered interpreter which interprets the provided class (if found).

Methods in joperties.interpreters that return types with arguments of type AbstractInterpreter
static java.util.Collection<AbstractInterpreter<?>> Interpreters.getInterpreters()
          This method returns a collection (LinkedList internally) which contains all the registered interpreters.

Methods in joperties.interpreters with parameters of type AbstractInterpreter
static boolean Interpreters.registerInterpreter(AbstractInterpreter<?> interpreter)
          This method registers an interpreter replacing any old one that interprets the same class.
static boolean Interpreters.registerInterpreter(AbstractInterpreter<?> interpreter, boolean replace)
          This method registers an interpreter based on the class that it interprets.

Uses of AbstractInterpreter in joperties.interpreters.defaultinterpreters

Subclasses of AbstractInterpreter in joperties.interpreters.defaultinterpreters
 class AffineTransformInterpreter
 class BigDecimalInterpreter
 class BigIntegerInterpreter
 class BooleanInterpreter
 class ByteInterpreter
 class CharacterInterpreter
 class ColorInterpreter
 class DateInterpreter
 class DimensionInterpreter
 class DoubleInterpreter
 class FloatInterpreter
 class FontInterpreter
 class GradientPaintInterpreter
 class IntegerInterpreter
 class LocaleInterpreter
 class LongInterpreter
 class Point2DDInterpreter
 class Point2DFInterpreter
 class Point2DInterpreter
 class PointInterpreter
 class PolygonInterpreter
 class RadialGradientPaintInterpreter
 class RectangleInterpreter
 class ShortInterpreter
 class StringBufferInterpreter
 class StringInterpreter
 class URIInterpreter
 class URLInterpreter