Joperties supports a number of existing classes by default. This is a list of classes along with a short explanation of the default syntax:
You can also create custom Interpreters for your own classes.
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Encodes a BigDecimal using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the class constructor accepts.
Encodes a BigInteger using its toString() method using 10 as radix. Reads all the formats the class constructor accepts using 10 as radix.
Encodes a boolean using the toString() method. Reads only true,false with no case sensitivity (True is also allowed).
Encodes a Byte using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the class constructor accepts.
Encodes a character using the toString() method. Reads a single character (more than one will cause an exception).
Encodes a Color using the following format '0xXXXXXX' where XX is each channel (red,green,blue) expressed in hex. Reads all the formats the class method decode() accepts.
Encodes and interprets a Date using the SimpleDateFormat 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS'
Encodes and interprets a Dimension using the following format 'width;height'.
Encodes a double using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the method valueOf() accepts.
Encodes a float using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the method valueOf() accepts.
Encodes a font with the following format 'NAME-STYLE-SIZE' where STYLE is one of the following 'PLAIN,BOLD,ITALIC,BOLDITALIC'. Reads all the formats the method decode() accepts.
Encodes and reads a gradient paint with the following format 'p1|c1|p2|c2|b' where p1,p2 are two points, c1,c2 are two colors and b is a boolean denoting if the Gradient is cyclic, encoded by their corresponding interpreters.
Encodes an integer using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the method valueOf() accepts.
Encodes and interprets a Locale using the following format 'lan;coun;var' where lan is the language, coun is the country and var is the variant if available.
Encodes a long using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the method valueOf() accepts.
Encodes and reads a Point using the following format 'x;y'. Values x,y must be accepted by the method Integer.valueOf().
Encodes and reads a Point2D using the following format 'x;y'. When interpreting it uses a Point2D.Double. Values x,y must be accepted by the method Double.valueOf().
Encodes and reads a Point2D.Double using the following format 'x;y'. Values x,y must be accepted by the method Double.valueOf().
Encodes and reads a Point2D.Float using the following format 'x;y'. Values x,y must be accepted by the method Float.valueOf().
Encodes and reads a polygon with the following format 'p1|p2|p3...' where p, are points encoded and interpreted by the corresponding interpreter.
Encodes and interprets a radial gradient paint with the following format 'cp|r|fp|fr|c|cm' where cp is the center point, r is the radius, fp is the focus point, fr is the fractions array as a collection (specially separated by <<), c is the colors array as a collection (specially separated by <<) and cm is the cycle method as a string with one of these values 'NO_CYCLE,REFLECT,REPEAT'. All of these values are encoded and interpreted by the corresponding registered interpreters.
Encodes and reads a rectangle using the following format 'p|d' where p is a point and d a dimension encoded and interpreted by their corresponding interpreters.
Encodes a short using its toString() method. Reads all the formats the method valueOf() accepts.
Encodes and reads a string with no alterations.
Encodes a StringBuffer using its toString() method. Reads all values accepted by the constructor of the class.
Encodes a URI using its toString() method. Reads all values accepted by the class constructor.
Encodes a URL using its toString() method. Reads all values accepted by the class constructor.
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